Sunday 18 December 2011

My aspirations to become an architect were inspired by numerous city breaks in which I saw a variety of styles. My favourite pieces of architecture move me to hope that I can create something that will not only be aesthetically pleasing and beneficial to its surroundings, but something that will instil the same amount of respect and awe in people that my favourites do me. I feel that as architecture is such a necessity to life, pieces should be well thought out in addition to being both functional and beautiful.  I want to be able to contribute to my surroundings something from this design era that will remain and serve its purpose excellently for many years. I am eager for the challenge of learning new skills and developing my creativity while I am also keen to pursue something I am highly fascinated by. I believe that MSA offers a great environment and range of facilities to do such things, especially with the unique opportunity of accessing the resources and facilities of two collaborating universities. The diversity of the city also leads me to believe MSA would be an excellent place to learn; through studying in such a varied environment, I will be able to develop all aspects of my creativity and be constantly challenged to work in new and exciting ways.

In October 2011, I visited Barcelona in order to see some of the work of Antonio Gaudi. Of all the places I visited, Casa Mila was by far my favourite – I was utterly blown away by the infamous roof terrace and the intricacies of the structure. When walking around the roof terrace, I felt completely detached from the busy city around me, lost amongst the unique chimney pots and sculptures. After tearing myself away from the terrace, I was not disappointed by the interior; the unique attic archways and the grandeur of the apartments left me wishing I could stay in the impressive building all day.

My favourite architect, Antonio Gaudi, is so because of the awe his work evokes in me; the complexity, beauty and playfulness of some of my favourites bring me both happiness and excitement.

I would love to experience the Egyptian Pyramids. I was fascinated by the Ancient Egyptian civilisation and the Pyramids as a child and the desire to experience these great pieces of architecture has stayed with me. Their most fascinating feature is their mystery; it seems impossible for such vast amounts of materials to be crafted, moved and positioned without today’s equipment. I find it simply amazing that the Ancient Egyptians could create masterpieces that, in my opinion, surpass some creations of today without the technology we have in this day and age. 

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